Запрошуємо всіх зацікавлених відвідати лекцію професора Йена Кайта, що відбудеться 18 жовтня об 11:00, на історичному факультеті (ауд.349).

Абстракт презентації:
The Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine has resulted in looting and extensive damage and destruction of cultural heritage. Cultural heritage management during times of war presents three major challenges: protecting the known, identifying the revealed, and securing the displayed. Drawing upon collaborative research in Ukraine, the Near East, and Western Europe, in this presentation, I explore international perspectives on the destruction of Ukrainian cultural heritage, discuss the need to proactively start assessing the damage that has taken place, and reflect upon possible strategies for helping international audiences to understand the scale of magnitude of destruction.

Відео-анонс: https://youtu.be/VwJBAxK41Ok?si=Ebt0eiaVldMZQZ8Y

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